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  Children and youth  

We have close ties with our village Primary School. Look out for information about our 'pop up' cafes, events and special services throughout the year.

St Laurence Church Sunday Clubs for children and creche

Prayer Children and Youth
   Home Groups 

Join one of our small groups which meet mid-week each week during term time to learn from the Bible, pray together and encourage and support one another. 

Monday 2pm - 3:30pm 

Wednesday 7:45pm

For further information please contact Ben Elvidge via

If transport is a problem, please be assured that we will arrange a lift for you. 



'Christianity Explored' is an informal and relaxed seven-week course, suitable for anyone who is wanting to think through some of life’s big questions. You don’t need to know anything about the Bible, and you won’t be asked to pray or sing. You can ask any question you like, or you can just sit and listen. Oh yes – and it’s completely free!


Whoever you are, whatever you’re thinking, CE is a great place to explore what life is all about. It might just be the best news you’ve ever heard.


If you are interested in joining a course or have any questions please contact

'Discipleship Explored' studies Paul's letter Philippians and looks at what it means to follow Jesus. The main series that the other groups will look at is called 'God's Big Picture' - a video-based course with Bible studies and discussion seeing how the whole Bible fits together and points wonderfully to Jesus. 

Resources Couses

Prayer request

If you have things you would like the Church family to pray for or with you please contact us here


Prayer meeting

A monthly prayer meeting open to all, where we pray for personal needs as well as local and world issues and share news.

First Wednesday each month @ 19:45 for 20:00 - 21.00.

Pastoral Support Covid
   Pastoral Care  

Pastoral care is important to us at St Laurence. 

All sorts of stresses and life events can effect us at times. If we can be of help please call us on 07771867205.

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